Exam Support

If you are studying for a CII qualification, we are aware of the level of commitment and dedication required in order to achieve the best possible result.

We recommend Apex Management Consultants, a CII Accredited Course Provider since 2008.

Apex was the first firm in England to be recognised by CII in this way for Certificate CII level.

We are pleased to advise that, in addition, Apex has just been awarded CII Accredited Provider status at Diploma Level. Apex have also recently secured (albeit at a lower level) apprenticeship funding for Diploma students, to add to the funding they have had available for several years at Certificate CII level.

Whilst the Certificate programme is one that has been running for many years, the Diploma programme is new and Apex's intention is to start groups in July 2015 with a view to them achieving Diploma status in July 2017, using the new CII approach of assignments and multiple choice tests, rather than three hour exams. In order to encourage the take-up of apprenticeship places in the South-West, Apex Management Consultants have now introduced a 10% discount on the apprenticeship employer fee.

Apex and Exeter Institute are pleased to make this offer to members of the Exeter Insurance Institute, reducing the one year programme fee for the Certificate to £350 per head and the two year programme fee for the Diploma to £1,800 per head. Fact sheets are available. Click here for the Cert CII fact sheet or

There are apprenticeship places available, to be taken up by 1st July 2015. As is the usual practice, Apex will allocate them on a first come, first served basis.

We try to respond to requests from individuals regarding specific exam subject support. To this end we have set up a user group on the LinkedIn network that has the objective of bringing together candidates and students with similar needs, with an ‘exam buddy’ or colleagues who have experience in those subjects.

The CII also provides a range of course specific revision courses through their Face to Face programme. Currently the closest venue is Bristol but if the demand is sufficient we will arrange for a more suitable local venue

For details of the courses available, click here for General Insurance subjects or click here for Financial Services subjects.