Fri 3 Jul. 2015

Julia’s House and Coleman Insurance Brokers Celebrate Successful Partnership

Coleman Insurance Brokers and Julia’s House Hospice are celebrating an extremely successful partnership as they look forward to a joint long term commitment, which includes growth and change for the Dorset Hospice. The two organisations met up to acknowledge their long standing professional relationship and to discuss and share the exciting upcoming changes and plans that Julia’s House Hospice have.

Martin Chief Executive, Martin Edwards advised, “The traditional model of hospice care in supporting patients only at the end of their lives has changed and at Julia’s House we are at the fore front of that change in providing frequent support throughout the life of a child.”

Martin enthused about expansion plans and continued, “Wiltshire is the only major county in the South West of England without a children’s hospice and we are looking for premises in Devizes as we look to expand our services in the county. We currently provide ‘care at home’ for children in South Wiltshire but are keen to find a small site which will allow us to provide essential respite care for Wiltshire families with children with life limiting conditions. We will continue to maintain our Dorset services.”

Coleman Director, Peter Moody, whose sentiments were echoed by Account Executive Spencer Coughlin, commented, “It has been really interesting to hear about all of the Julia’s House Hospice plans for expansion, and to understand what it will mean for and how it will impact on families that they support. As well as supporting Julia’s House Hospice in a professional capacity through the provision of insurance services for their sites and services, at Coleman we are very committed to helping to support them in their fundraising too. We regularly encourage our staff to fundraise by getting involved in initiatives such as ‘Time for Tea’. Every year we also host a Charity Golf Day which, in recent years, has raised approximately £40,000 for the benefit of a number of charities, including Julia’s House Hospice.”

Martin concluded, “We thoroughly enjoy working with the professional staff at Coleman, who are always extremely eager to help and allow us to be more efficient in the use of our time. It is good to be planning our working relationship moving forward at these exciting times for the Hospice. We are hugely grateful for Coleman’s fundraising support too.”

coleman | julias house